Should you get this Starter Package for Lost Ark
18.02.2022 @ 07.27
"Please remember that this is going to be a new region (separated from Central Europe) without cross-region game play," noted the developers. "This means that features that are available across regions, such as those that allow you to access your Royal Crystal and Silver balances from Central Europe will not be available in the new European region. The new European region is perfect for players who haven't yet created their characters or haven't made a commitment to remain on their existing server."
In other words, users who've put in long hours, not yet rewarded or have established communities in the game will not see any benefits from the new server region (beyond less new players trying to create characters on their servers). It is true that in Lost Ark, you cannot transfer characters from one server to the next, and while some items and resources are shared across servers, nothing can be shared between characters or players that are located in different regions.
Smilegate and Amazon insist that a different server area was the only viable solution. "Due to the game's architecture it is the sole option to allow more players in Europe," they said in their statement.
Lost Ark is a free-to-play game that you can dive into at any time to play for yourself. There are several choices for payment and premium features within the game, however they're not required in order for you to have a good time and to complete the high-end dungeons , or content. If you're struggling to start and want to get started, consider picking up one of the Lost Ark Starter Pack. Should you get this Starter Package for Lost Ark, and is it worth it?
There are three Starter Packs to select from. It is possible to pick the Apprentice Starter Pack, the Explorer Starter Pack, and the Vanquisher Starter Pack.
Want to learn more about Lost Ark Gold at…
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