NBA 2K21 Adds Tons Of WNBA-Related Characteristics For Next-Gen
09.03.2021 @ 01.18
This generation of consoles including new high-fidelity graphics, which were shown with NBA 2K21 and a participant version of New Orleans Pelicans forward Zion Williamson at a PlayStation 5 display. Back in NBA 2K20, the addition was enlarged, and in NBA 2K21 on next-gen consoles, it is going to get larger.
For the first time in NBA 2K history, players will be able to create female MyPlayers, compete online together, and run a true WNBA franchise mode. The ability to create a female MyPlayer has been one of the more requested features amongst the 2K community--especially from the ladies who play the sport and have longed for a way to create themselves at 2K.
Consumers will likely be tasked with building their player's fame, brand, attributes, and the worldwide appeal of the WNBA. On the way, your MyPlayer will make MyPoints. The press release which was provided to me didn't have any references to virtual money, so it's unclear if this is going to be part of an option for you to build your attributes and badges. Speaking of these extra layers of upgrades, when you select your archetype, you'll select your primary and secondary takeover, which will work exactly the same way it does in the next-gen variant of NBA 2K21 on the men's side. It is also possible to select off-the-court tasks that operate toward rounding out the expertise and incorporating more MyPoints.
2K21 on next-gen will allow you to command all 12 WNBA teams in what sounds like a fully-fleshed-out franchise mode. There is multi-season team management that gives you control over rules, finances, CBA, the draft, and much more. You may even create customized installations that can be shared with others. There'll also be online league functionality as well as the ability to begin your travels from the postseason. For players who felt teased from the smallish versions of their WNBA experience in the last two NBA 2K matches, this ought to scratch the itch to bring a franchise mode concept to the NBA's sister league.
The most recent update in NBA 2K21 on next-gen additional more precise renders to several current players and retired men from classic teams. Gaming With Ova put together a video displaying the updates: Many of those updates are subtle, but a few have literally brought leaves into the next-generation.
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