Mistakes in use of roots pump


21.08.2020 @ 09.06

Mistakes in use of roots pump

Roots vacuum pump must be equipped with the front stage pump, roots pump can not be used alone. Roots pump is mostly used in Roots vacuum unit, its function is to improve pumping speed and vacuum degree of the front stage pump. Roots pump should be equipped with bypass valve in the connection with the front stage pump, which can effectively protect roots pump. If the air extraction of front stage pump is unstable or other factors lead to abnormal operation of the whole unit, roots pump with bypass valve will protect roots pump and prolong the life of the whole vacuum unit.

When choosing roots pump, it is necessary to pay attention to which sealing method of wearing parts of roots pump is. Roots pump adopts mechanical seal, which can effectively improve the working efficiency of roots pump. If the sealing mode of roots pump is shaft sleeve seal, the working efficiency will be greatly reduced. Special attention should be paid to the selection of roots pump.

If the vacuum degree of roots pump is reduced in the process of use, it is necessary to check whether the clearance between roots pump rotors changes. If the rotor clearance of roots pump becomes larger, it is necessary to replace roots pump, because such roots pump does not make static and dynamic balance for Roots pump rotor in the process of production and processing, or it is sealed by shaft sleeve.

[url=https://www.evpvacuum.com/cl… Sereis Cone Liquid Ring Vacuum Pump[/url]

[url=https://www.evpvacuum.com/zg… Blowers[/url]

[url=https://www.evpvacuum.com/p-… Vacuum Pump[/url]


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