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I stared intently, mesmerized by the infinitely repeating loop. Evergreen Valley, Foothill, De Anza, San Jose City the names of local community colleges continuously flashed in red lit font across the canvas of the LED sign normally used for banal announcements. My friend and I had been casually laying in the grass of his old high school, chomping away at a $5 Little Caesars pizza that brought nothing but grease and profound sadness.
Will always be a monument to the guy who created it, said Madden, 55. About preserving a piece of sports history, American history and probably world history. Bought the wooded, out of the way property about 90 miles (145 kilometers) from Philadelphia in 1972 and installed 18 primarily log buildings, including a gym, dining hall, small mosque, visitors cabins and a horse barn.
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Trying to rebuild retail in this town as it is, he said. Image has to be up there in order to keep Main Street, Liberty Street and State Street alive. Of the problem could be solved if the city had police officers do foot patrols down city sidewalks at night, Chaconas said.
There were a lot of good lines, but my favorite was, isn about how much money you make, it about the difference you make in people lives. Another big day, with the roll call and the keynote speech by President Bill Clinton. All Obama supporters are welcome to celebrate this special event and watch history be made once again.
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