My game recommendation today of The Division 2
01.03.2019 @ 10.03
This trailer is beyond underwhelming. Gone is the unforgiving and hopelessness atmosphere of the game. Those chilly NYC with rogue broker hunting in DZ 9 for one, in a snowstorm. Will we find out exactly what Rick Valasi is really up to? Will I get to stretch Keeners hanging him with piano wire, while merrily skiping rope along with his entrails? Definitely waiting for player reviews of the one before I tap any cash into it.
Nothing really special about this particular trailer: Important city now a wasteland, Different factions fight for control, Story appears straight forward and predictable, images hasn't changed in the slightest and most of the trailer just shows cinematic gameplay instead of cutscenes which the very first game has been extremely lacking when they wanted to tell a story.
I've played with The Division for two years and the only interesting thing about it was the Survival DLC that made the game more realistic and tense. The story had potential with all the rouge hunters and agents but was wasted. The assignments were practically the same: You fight NPCs, research the area, fight a boss and wind back exactly where you started.
The airborne drones which were from the E3 trailer for the game never made it, but instead being transferred to this one. The Multiplayer is becoming worse when they introduced the gear-sets and has gotten pretty annoying, and they put as much effort into it the NPCs don't matter anymore. Instead of supporting the DLCs were largely wasted.
Once I stopped playing the Section I soon realized that I wasted two decades of my life playing maybe the worst series ever produced by Ubisoft. I would not get my hopes up with this game since Ubisoft has a reputation to downgrading their matches compared to their reveal trailers and not incorporating features which were introduced at the trailers. This game is not worth my money, I don't think it's worth watching other people playing this as it comes out.
Can't await the downgrade on graphics and micro-transactions. Plus what a dumb story constantly fighting against some dude that wants power. In an post apocalyptic world, where all the morals proceeded down the drain, where regular puts you in front of difficulty choices, where there's no more black and white but a scale of [url=… Division 2 Boosting[/url] gray this is the finest you came up ?
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