Steamforged to create and deliver RuneScape games
26.08.2022 @ 04.52
Our very last Double XP event of 2021 in the year that ended the previous one in November. The last couple of years, there's been less than four events in a year. For obvious reasons. They have to be big!
If we were to look ahead to the next big event we thought we'd find it late in February and this proved to be the case. . As far as 2014, there's been an additional double or bonus XP event happening at the moment. Based on how the previous events have worked, we wouldn't expect to see any other changes given that Jagex seem to have perfected the process.
Players receive 48 hours of Double XP time that they can take advantage of for around 10 days. One exception was that the event lasted 21 days, but the 10 day events tend to attract huge numbers of participants due to the fact that they are limited in their scope.
For those who do not aren't aware, RuneScape is a huge deal. A darned big deal. In the sense of the MMORPG world. The game is now in its 21st season It's among the most popular MMORPGs and most likely the best free one. The theme is high-fantasy and has a strong medieval flavor that runs through it . This combination works superbly well; just inquire with J.K. Rowling.
RuneScape is important on a personal level because of three tiny reasons It was the first MMORPG I played; it was the first game I could be described as hooked on; and the first game that can be described as "online" but is far from being the most enjoyable. It's still three gaming milestones to not be overlooked.
Following a brief and bare-bones tutorial on the aptly named Tutorial Island where I was able to find myself stranded in the uninteresting but rather enjoyable town of the river of Lumbridge. It is where each new player knows the basics of mechanics such as how to build fire, or deposit money into the bank. It's important to note that, in RuneScape the game, all players begin on a level playing field (weirdly when you reach level 3).
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