03.08.2022 @ 08.14
Properties of polycarbonate films
Polycarbonate (PC) is an amorphous, crystal clear engineering thermoplastic which has many attractive mechanical and optical properties. For example, it has very high impact toughness and exceptional high light transmittance as well as good dimensional stability, creep resistance and elasticity over a wide temperature range. Because of its higher price relative to PVC, PE, and PP film, it is generally considered a specialty film.
Films made from PC are of high optical clarity, have excellent puncture resistance, and are heat sealable, but have low scratch and solvent resistance and tend to yellow when exposed to UV light for a prolonged time. Thus for more demanding applications, PC products have to be coated with a scratch and UV resistant layer for protection.
PC films allow for top-quality printing with standard inks using standard screen printing processes.
Unlike many other thermoplastics, polycarbonate can undergo large plastic deformations without cracking or breaking. Thus, it can not only be thermoformed but also processed and formed at room or slightly elevated temperatures using standard forming equipment.
Because of its outstanding optical clarity, good performance properties, excellent printability, and ease of processing, films made of polycarbonate are chosen for a wide variety of applications. It is generally a good choice for high quality film products such as ID and security cards, graphic film products, reflective panels, LED/LCD display windows, and automotive dashboard and interior applications. PC film is also a good choice for high quality (thermoformed) packaging. For example, PC film is used for sterile medical packaging that requires FDA approval as well as high puncture, chemical, and UV resistance. Therefore PC films has been used for many situations like OMAY PC Film, Road Traffic PC Film, Optical Electronic PC Film, Electronic and Electrical PC Film and Other Industries PC Film.
With PC materials, many products like meshes for filter are also invented.
Filtration meshes and filter elements for process water filtration
Industrial filter meshes and filters from GKD are used in many different process stages and applications in the field of water filtration. The spectrum of filtration ranges from coarse filtration of > 1 mm right through to ultrafine filtration of 5 μm. The filtration mesh is selected on the basis of the respective mechanical requirements.
Benefits for process water filtration
Adapted filter media in the range from 9 μm to 5 mm
Individual manufacturing of filter elements for existing or new systems
Repairs of existing filters or corresponding spare parts
Filter screens for corrosive applications
Production of standard elements for OEMs
Screens for drum filters and inserts for filter baskets
Except for filter element mesh, there are many applications for a mesh, such as NBC mesh, fashion industry mesh, screen printing mesh, etc.www.teseidg.com/nbc-…
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