Lost Ark Gold 6% off every order - IGGM.com


22.03.2022 @ 08.46

Lost Ark development team published a post on the official forum on March 16 to address many of these issues. Regarding the difficulty of the game progression, the developers say they have data to predict that more players will reach these higher item levels in time. They say they won't increase the speed of gear upgrades, but rather the materials you can earn through events and giveaways.

The development team also noted that players want to get more Lost Ark Gold and premium classes "at a faster pace." While the team stated that the North American server was receiving skins and classes faster than the South Korean server, they promised to speed up the release of new classes in the future.

So for now, players still need to collect Lost Ark Gold as soon as possible. https://www.iggm.com/lost-ar… is a reliable site to buy Lost Ark Gold. Recently they are giving out big coupons, Lost Ark is now giving away 6% more free gold on every order, meaning the customer will receive more than he buys. Don't miss it!


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