FIFA 22 Gameplay Video Shows New


22.07.2021 @ 08.23

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22.07.2021 @ 08.47

EA Sports has released an in-depth video on FIFA 22 in which the developers explain the football game's HyperMotion technology, tactical AI, a revamped goalkeeper system, and the impact of player feedback on the new game. The depth and breadth of the video is impressive. So FIFA fans should grab a coffee, cheer them up, and enjoy.

The HyperMotion system appears to be an important step in improving the realism of the footballers depicted on the field. In the past EA only featured a small group of players walking around on the soundstage recording their plays.

But with FIFA 22 and its HyperMotion system, EA has recorded 11v11 teams with players in full-body suits to get data from real players playing on real fields.


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