I believed I would of heard of RuneScape
09.03.2021 @ 01.37
Noy you will need the password so once again u ask aggie who says that she will give it to you if you get here a new couldron. You need 15 mining to do this part. You inquire how to do that. She tells you of a man in town of varrock who made it . (the man in east varrok anvil) he asks for seven iron pubs and 3 bronze bars to make it. Once he's made it decides he likes it so u wants to maintain it. You then must give him 1k 2k or 3k to receive it back (accepts 2k). You simply take it into aggie who informs you that the password wich is password and you obtain entrance. When U Input there are 2 lousy creations lvl 30 who'll attack you if u have some wepons or armour equipped. You can not attack them. Instead You Visit the Dye Couldron With The Banker Suits and Dye Them Return To The Fally Person To End Quest.
Ok, I admit my last try was crazy and would likely never happen but I made some ideas about it and decided a few huge changes required to be made. Before you imagine off this to the side at least take the opportunity to read it. You need to have the ability to get into the top floor of the monostary. And the ability to beat a level 100 deamon and a level 80 individual.
The Quest begins after you speak to the monk on the second floor of the monastary. Hey, did you here that the most sacred of monks will meet here for a battle? That does not sound really... Monkly. Yeah, I know, but actually it is neccisary that we all bring into an arrangement we find which god is the most powerful... And claim the new territory...
What new territory? I believed I would of heard of this!" Only we know about it. And you have to think about doing it. I need to consider it lets you think it or forget about the quest. The other ones activate this. The monk turns into a warrior of the lace color regardless of which one you chose and he tells you.
God warrior: I knew you would chose us! Meet with me in Varrok and we will allow you to fight against the finest monk of their team, and before I forget, which fighting way do use the most? The three choices are combating magic and range. Whichever one you chose you receive the armor which increases your energy in that area, everyone will use the different collections. Basicly everyone will use their colors due to their armor (I am using that as an excuse since I don't know what Iban or Zarrose collors are.
Want to learn more about RuneScape gold at https://www.rsgoldfast.com
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