A way to turn off certain reaper assignments?


21.03.2020 @ 02.33

Rework or new tidbits to [url=https://www.rsgoldfast.com/]RS gold[/url] make minigames more popular, or a means to finish them (and have the other RuneScape players substituted by an AI of sorts) or in the bare minimum a heartbeat ingame at which people can meet others to partake from the minigame? Aiming for trim the likes is really a mad pain considering you are pretty much timebound into when a minigame is on spotlight because of no person differently fond. Finest case somebody manages to tip you but then often these FC's are lifeless. Or like with challenges, a minigame to perform for some reward or another?

A way to turn off certain reaper assignments? Either by blocking them by investing reaper points very similar to how you block slayer jobs, or simply by letting people toggle them after they completed the Boss' set log (similar to the way you are able to toggle daily challenges.) When trying to finish supervisor collection logs it really stinks when you have to spend time doing a supervisor you already finished, just to get your reaper points, whereas you could be investing that time working on a different boss' log. It'd be a way to ensure you make at least a few gp's regardless. If Nex has been pestering you with these stone spirits, or you're wasting time trying to get that Giant Mole furry friend whose drops are unworthy, you at least have this backup at which you can earn some cash.

Perhaps a one, but I'd love to see set and solo choices for all directors. Meanwhile myself I love bossing with my friends, so I do not bother trying because she can't be tackled by me together with my pals, despite loving the QBD pet. Alter drop rates and difficulty accordingly clearly, just let everyone like any boss the way that they like playing best.Below a few fashionscape-related questions, I know not everyone cares a lot about them, but I still want to point them out.

The large and obvious one; A revamp of all RuneScape player characters to be more graphically on par with what could be expected in this day and age. It's amazing that we get lovely NPC's like Merethiel, only to feel like our own personality is a cave troll next to them. I get that this is a big overhaul which needs a lot of work, but consider your personality is the 1 thing you always stare at in RuneScape game, it's also the first thing that you see when you start outside, and may make the difference between someone deciding to play RuneScape sport, or another game since"the personality here appears helpless, there are dozens of matches out there who do better!". First impressions are crucial.

Just a few smaller tweaks to give freedom, even if you don't do a complete overhaul. Like letting someone choose eye color (yes you will find auras for it if I want my personality to have blue eyes, that's not the same as these apparently spouting blue light out of their eye holes). Or not locking you out of sporting certain things when wearing another thing that goes"at precisely the same slot". Why can't I flaunt these elven ears yet put on a party hat? An choice to turn off viewing people's fashionscapes. Several RuneScape players appear to [url=https://www.rsgoldfast.com/]… RuneScape gold[/url] dislike fashionscaping and overrides, or just really dislike a few of the super bright and large ones.


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