
09.03.2018 @ 08.46
Let us suppose that you have a product that has only come up for auction a few times in the history of on-line auctions. Let us further suppose that there is a marketplace filled with no fewer than 1000 active www.cheapsoccerjerse… , willing and desirous potential buyers who have waited for the opportunity to participate in the next ?mush pit? of supply and demand frenzy that will result when your fabulous item is listed for sale. You are certain to be well on your path to on-line fame and fortune. You are also certain that the final selling price of your perfect item will match, or even succeed, all of the prior eBay auctions.
Not so fast my little auction cherub. All too often a seller will identify the item he is selling, compare it with items that have sold recently on eBay and are now considered completed sales items www.cheapsoccerjerse… , and even go so far as to prepare a beautiful presentation, which includes a well thought out description, perfect pictures and flashy HTML widgets, followed by what the seller supposes to be a slam dunk auction listing www.cheapsoccerjerse… , only to wait and watch as a full seven day auction period rushes by leaving the ?sure thing? item still on the auction block or selling dismally for just above the reserve price or go to www.auctions-profits Why does this happen? The ?other guys? are making huge profits on rare items such as mine. What is so different?
Many beavers fail to take a careful yet critical step during the research process and discover that many items are seasonal in their marketability. Their seasonal nature might be extremely subtle, but a slight subtlety is all it takes to influence the outcome of an otherwise routine and successfully sold auction listing. Unfortunately, in many cases a mistake like this can cause the sale of the item to either fail or fall far short of the seller's expectations. Pay careful attention to the many types of seasonal influences that exist. Examples are the schedules of school semesters, vacation and travel peak times www.cheapsoccerjerse… , holidays, celebrations, and those times when people prepare for them, sport seasons www.cheapsoccerjerse… , and many, many other factors involving and influencing the timing of a prospective sale you can visit www.auction-o-matics When you consider listing an item ask yourself a question - will the individuals in my target market be sitting in front of the computer when my auction ends? For example, if you sold sporting goods would you want your auctions to end on the day of the Super Bowl?
EBay sellers should also pay special attention to the end times of their auctions. It really doesn't make much sense to end an auction for an average home embroidery machine at 3 a.m. on a Tuesday morning. It stands to reason that the better part of your potential market will be much more likely to actively participate in the final moments of an auction that ends between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. on a Sunday. This can send the final price of your selling item up through the stratosphere as the bidders work themselves into the all too common eBay auction frenzy.
At the on set of any Baseball season, parents have the high expectation that their child is key to the team success. This to a degree is true. The success of the team depends on each and every player. Problems arise between the perspectives of the Parents www.cheapsoccerjerse… , Players and the Coach.
We each have our own self image which is likely quite different to how the rest of the world sees us. This also applies to our vision of our children. Crushing the ball for Dad in the back yard is great, but it does not always transfer to the diamond. By no means should any parent expect backyard confidence to compare with on field performance. It is a bar that will likely get knocked off the stands each time.
Coach's of all experience levels are the most qualified to position and play the players. Coach has a 'vision' of how all the parts will work in tandem. As a parent, we have to respect that in all levels of play. This person stood up to take the responsibility of being Baseball Coach when no one else did. Its a responsibility that takes a substantial amount of abuse.
I witnessed parents and grand-parents rip down a coach during a game in an effort to take out the weaker players and restructure the vision. His solution was quite enlightening. Every 5 to 10 minutes, he rotated all the players to different positions www.cheapsoccerjerse… , pitchers, catchers as well as on and off the bench.
They lost horribly, but from that moment on he was allowed to Coach the rest of the season without bleacher badger. It worked because as the 'key' players were rotated into the 'right' position, they all made errors from simple catching mistakes to 'why did you through to first when the runner was stealing third'.
He essentially had the loss (over 30 to 0) a complete community effort. As everyone was responsible for the loss www.cheapsoccerjerse… , those who were coaching from the bleachers got a taste they could not spit out.
Will this tactic work for everyone? I truly have no idea, but it is a solution that I will not soon forget.
Parent participation is wonderful. Get involved, get in the game. Here are some things to keep in mind as a parent
1 Don't arrive at the field when practice is supposed to start. If the scheduled time is 5:30, be there by 5:15. It cuts down the stress of rush driving and the hour or so of scheduled practice time is not lost on greetings and jibber jabber.
2 Be helpful www.cheapsoccerjerse… , Time lost setting up the field or exercise is just that lost. If it is not written, ask the Coach what the plan is for the day and what you can do to help things along. Players want to do just that, play. Idle time lost while setting up the next skill drill looses the focus gained from the previous one.
3 Never correct, yell www.cheapsoccerjerse… , discipline or otherwise diminish the authority of the Coach in front of the Players or Other Parents. If you have concerns or comm. Cheap Jerseys From China Cheap Wholesale Jerseys Cheap Authentic Jerseys Cheap NFL Jerseys From China Cheap NFL Jerseys From China Cheap NFL Jerseys From China Cheap Football Jerseys Cheap NFL Football Jerseys Wholesale Jerseys Wholesale Jerseys China
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