Allowing OSRS gold devs do
08.01.2020 @ 08.21
Allowing devs do anything middle management informs them is much worse than letting runescape players who care about runescape have the last say. Imagine SoF, TH, etc needed to be polled to make it in to runescape. Polling has worked out well in OS. The main problems are people tend to lean towards access (not enough to change poll results but I think this would be worse for RS3) and people spite voting against PvP upgrades cuz they lost their spade.
I'd earn some PvP that's just rewards you for your contribution, maybe not for murdering your alts or afking on a group, and unboostable, rewarding. All the popular games on earth have PvP so despite the protests of Jagex, it can be carried out. Need some endgame content which is not just a boss with AI. Halloween seems like a fantastic time, Death could be into it.)
I'd revamp evil trees and celebrities to give new crafting materials for potions and smithing while buffing the exp to make them relevant in today's runescape. Soooo. I've some thoughts for over the top bosses (in my mind theyre more mechanic heavy rather than dps races( and punish defensives) One of which that you can throw into anachronias volcano and say its a continuation of this jad/tzhaar motif.
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