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24.02.2020 @ 06.47
"AuthenTek [the firm Apple bought for its fingerprint reading technology] had scanners that buy rs 07 gold were capable of looking deeper into the finger, so that they could look past a fake fingerprint. I would've liked to see that implemented," Rogers said. He added that although Apple wants as simple a payment system as possible, to make it as attractive to consumers as possible, since the system involves credit cards it would be better protected by Touch ID and a second authentication factor such as a PIN, password, or pattern.
I got a quite nice demographic in many ways. I got the Robot Wars fans who all seem to be at university now and diehard Takeshi heads all into Takeshi Castle. I got funk and soul guys who listen to my radio shows and come to my gigs and Corrie and Red Dwarf fans.
Wolverine to MLive: You overlooked our community response to PFAS Wolverine to MLive: You overlooked our community response to PFAS In a response to a recent editorial by MLive/The Grand Rapids Press, the company Wolverine World Wide highlights the efforts it has made in response to PFAS contamination in northern Kent County.
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Harm Reduction and Regulation Not ProhibitionAny addiction invariably raises far more 'questions' than definitive 'answers.' It would be fair to say, that there certainly is an ever growing black market for prescription medicine in the North of Ireland. Paradoxically, many who would be hopelessly dependent on them would be outraged if one were to suggest that they may have a dependency problem. This is due, in no small part, to the stigma of addiction to anything non Alcoholic that prevails in Ireland. Because of the widespread trauma experienced by victims, families and indeed combatants during the conflict in the North, there are many people who have been forced to cope with a chemical crutch.
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