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22.10.2019 @ 06.04
Within the field of health care, this study has addressed a lack of current research cheap osrs gold exploring social aspects of a clinical network. In presenting the final stage of this study, this document focusses on the engagement experience from a medical viewpoint. This is topical and of interest, as doctor engagement in the NHS is associated with enhanced organisational performance and improved patient care. There is little previous empirical research exploring the engagement experience from the perspective of doctors working in a clinical network. The final stage of this research study therefore presents a new theoretical understanding of this subject area. The study is qualitative in nature and takes an interpretive epistemological orientation. Data is gathered through a number of research methods and doctors' perceptions of engagement are explored through emerging narrative accounts. Findings from this research study indicate that choice of engagement leads to both the engaged doctor, and the reluctant manager, and has highlighted that choice of engagement is influenced by a perceived internal and external conflict. Outcomes confirm that doctors will choose to engage when they have a personal interest and commitment, feel that they are listened to and have a voice, perceive that they are valued and respected, are involved and able to influence, have power and respect and where the environment that they work in fosters collaboration, facilitates the sharing of expertise and specialised knowledge and offers both personal and professional support leading to improved patient care. Exploring why doctors choose to engage in a clinical network has confirmed the requirement to create a culture for engagement and identified that successful engagement leads to improved patient care, a factor that has been constant throughout this research study.
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