Fortnite: Save the World nevertheless exists


08.01.2019 @ 04.12

The game's creators have put up $100 million for an esports tournament prize pool for the sport, which is forcing even more gamers to give it a go.

Fans are now able to download a fresh set of season 5 skins, courtesy of the Fortnite Battle Royale team.A recent time 5 escape revealed that a host of fresh skins were being prepared for launch by Epic Games.And the very first of these new layouts can now be found in the official Fortnite item Shop.The legendary Magnus skin is now available to buy, breaking up a hefty 2,000 V-Bucks.

But although the new Viking appearance is sure to prove popular with people expecting to stock up on fresh year 5 skins, there's another product that may be even more popular.The Forebearer Axe has a certain Thor vibe going for it also has a bigger price tag attached.For those interested in grabbing the new harvesting tool layout, it will cost 800 V-Bucks, with not been ranked a legendary item.

These new Fortnite season 5 skins and Viking equipment will soon be available over the next 48hrs prior to being replaced with more information from Epic Games.As the development team notes whenever selling decorative items, this new gear will not provide any type of bonus during a Battle Royale game.

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