Indians Home Opener Sells Out in Minutes
18.10.2022 @ 10.58
As expected the home opener for the Cleveland Indians on April… 11 is on Monday morning. The team announced that tickets for all other games remain on sale, sold online only at Lower bowl tickets for prime summer weekend… games are sold out or nearly sold out, especially for series against the Tigers (July 7-9), Blue Jays (July 21-23) and (Aug. 7-10). Tickets for the home opener are not going to be cheap to come by on the secondary market either, as of 12pm the lowest price Standing Room… Only ticket was priced at $85. The face value on SRO tickets… were $20. The lowest actual seats on Stubhub are $116 per ticket as of noon, and those were upper reserved section 558 row X.Scroll to Continue Diamond Box seats in section 149 Row F are priced on the resale site at $646.31 per seat with two seats available. Here's a few tweets from Tribe fans who were online… right at 10am to grab seats:
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