I play a LOT, and the number of times
18.01.2021 @ 10.10
They really sucked the life from this dialog. Passive-aggressive, sarcastic, and impolite dialogue basically sum up the first game.And this dialogue is soulless even in comparison to another recent games. Like, I feel like the villagers repeat lines more than they ever did in New Leaf. In reality, I remember it being a rarity in this game.
Yeah, it's somewhat sad that you have to speak to them several times simply to hear something different and every time after the first they act like you're breaking your restraining order .
I play a LOT, and the number of times I get replicate lines from villagers is no joke. Unfortunately I've never played NL, but it's really shocking to hear that the difference - I can not for the life span of me understand why Nintendo would choose to"dumb down" the villagers such as this.
I feel as if the game was released just like a year too early. Furniture places, villager dialogue, brewster, nook store updates, minigames from tortimer island so you actually have something to do with friends online (okay, they weren't that enjoyable, but they could improve upon this idea), gyroids...
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