Because 2K knows their game

14.12.2019 @ 06.32
Because 2K knows their game is not selling well. Just like the predecessor, NBA2K18 of 2K19, the match is filled faulty mechanics, with microtransactions, together with a MyCareer mode. The MyTeam manner requires one to spend countless hours or invest your money. Then it is essentially impossible to get good cards, if you're unable to perform one of these tasks. As you're busy grinding, some famous 2K youtubers have increased pack odds and get Galaxy Opal cards. This is absolutely unfair to us, however, there are. Go check out JackedBill for more information. The MyCareer story is precisely the same, as the devs either would like you spend money or to grind for unlimited hours. The narrative is cringe, and the dialogues do not make sense.
Offline styles often encounter a few issues, like the OP defense, nerfed shot success in the paint, as well as the difficulties while trying to prepare a play. What's more, upon launch I was also dissappointed using PlayNow Online, as I could not pick my favourite team right from the bat. You need to play matches in Tier 3, Tier 2, and after Tier 1. By the way, the method in which 2K decided to set these teams is absolutely absurd. Despite these complaints, yet, 2K has not done anything to generate NBA2K19 a memorable experience. Oh, and that I waited until the limit to mention MyGM. 2K has launched their MyGM narrative, also makes its presence felt as the most merchandise in video game history. It will be 2--3 hours before you start your 1st season as a GM. What I just said is concerning.
Now even though price of NBA2K19 is the equal to a large part of McDonalds' french fries, NBA2K20 is about to release in under 3 months. It will include new gameplay updates that hopefully( do not take my word for this ) solves all the problems I listed previously. So it definitely makes sense to invest $60 on a polished product than to invest $3 to a game that you likely won't play in 8 months.
The NBA has blossomed into a multi billion dollar market. Gone are the days when I used to watch the NBA finals on tape at 11:30 PM EST after the late news in NYC only to fall asleep and get the score another morning in the paper. It's another time, even when I was a kid we played we didn't have video games or societal websites. Children now like video gamesthey could interact with players on social networking and the players nowadays are popular with children and young adults. The youngsters idolize the gamers as well.
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