The Event Hall in Maplestory 2
09.11.2018 @ 04.08
And I can't help but ask: why is this necessary? Some might say that spamming one maplestory ability all day every day is dull. So? The game has lots of classes which have to, or benefit from, alternating/chaining/combo'ing abilities. Play one of those if you find the one-key classes boring. People who picked the monotonous classes, presumably appreciate that playstyle.
Some may say that relying upon one maplestory ability is idle. As long as spamming one skill on class A does not get you some better rewards than varying skills on class B (in terms of maplestory2 DPS or anything else), why not allow lazy people be idle?
Ultimately, there's the issue of keyweighting. If you can spam one maplestory skill daily, a rock could do it for you. But for this, there are several other solutions, like forcing movement after a variety of attacks. The game has this, it merely must make sure all skills are limited this way. There is not any need to force people into playstyles they don't like, simply to reduce cheating.
Bottom line: Attempting to force the identical alternating-skill playstyle on all courses is bound to alienate a large portion of the game's players. I think that it's a mistake.
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