I've had 149 or tera gold
08.05.2018 @ 08.12
I've had 149 or tera gold positive tests in the sport, from Russia within a three or four year period - it was very clear as far I was concerned and the Council of the IAAF was concerned that nobody else was going to come to our rescue here. We had to take the appropriate action. RELATED ARTICLES Previous 1 Next Russia World Cup will be a joke unless FIFA thoroughly... FIFA will finally start testing suspect football samples... Share this article Share Russia will host the FIFA World Cup this summer in the midst of an ongoing doping scandal.
We set up the task force which created the five-step criteria by which they would be judged - and actually they're moving in the right direction and we've got some significant change.'The task force reports back to the Council once or twice a year and each time they come back and say there's still more to do - but some of the challenges that we were being appraised of just a few months earlier have actually moved.
I am faithful to the independent work of the task force and the task force will recommend to the council when that moment (of reintegration) is.'
Despite the IOC's decision to sanction Russia ahead of Pyeongchang 2018, a number of winter sports governing bodies appear reluctant to follow the IAAF's example.A number of skeleton and bobsleigh athletes banned for life by the IOC in the wake of the Oswald Commission report in doping are still competing on their respective World Cup circuits.One of them, Russian skeleton racer Elena Nikitina, who has been stripped of the bronze medal she won at Sochi 2014, won the World Cup and European Championship in Winterberg on Saturday. https://www.mmogo.com/Tera/G…
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