The next major content launch for WoW Classic
28.04.2020 @ 10.01
Blizzard have announced the next major content launch for WoW Classic, with Blackwing Lair, the Darkmoon Faire, and much more on its way.Original pre-expansion wow classic gold -- commonly known as'vanilla' WoW -- did not stay in one state throughout its lifespan. Like every expansion since, the game received a variety of updates as the match progressed, introducing new features and content, in addition to advancing the narrative in the world.
In order to save the feel of the original game, Blizzard are taking a similar strategy with WoW Classic. The game found in roughly the exact same condition as vanilla WoW was after its release, and they'll be rolling out extra content in various phases, after more or less the same order as the original so as to preserve the intended progression.
The sport has recently entered Stage 3 of that program, together with the first Battlegrounds -- Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley -- was released in December. On the PvE aspect of things, Stage 3 also assured the launch of the Blackwing Lair raid, as well as the coming of the Darkmoon Faire, and Blizzard have announced when these can be anticipated.
Whether Blizzard might consider making the same shift for retail in the future remains to be seen.
Another big news is the arrival of the Darkmoon Faire, that is a world event that provides matches, loot, and more -- such as the much sought-after Darkmoon Decks. The Faire will set in Mulgore and Elwyn Forest, together with all the festivities opening on February 10.
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